Good. Voted 5.
I liked this movie, but I have some suggestions.
Right, the animation was excellent, very nicely done, and everything was drawn well. It was fluent, and made good of it's style. The humor wasn't the best, but it was still pretty good non the less.
The choices were pretty original, and not that far-fetched, which is pretty good. However, they were only 6, and as I said, they were something that could actually be done. While that may not sound bad, it can't really hurt to add some choices that are completely ridiculous. Hell, if not for anything other than a secret choice.
Also, I have an idea that may be do-able. After you pick all the choices, you are treated to another, correct, choice. This one will be successful, and move the character to a different location, where more choices appear to get past a new obstacle. This could help keep it fresh, lengthen it out, and give players motivation to go on.
Also, I think you are a great animator, and I hope to see more of your stuff later.